By Martin Odiete on Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Category: News

NASS Clerk efforts to stop planned strike fails workers shut down National Assembly today

All efforts by the Management of the National Assembly led by the Clark, Architect Amos Ojo to stop workers from embarking on their planned strike scheduled to commence on Wednesday have apparently failed.

Part of the desperate plan to scuttle the workers from executing the plan was to commence arbitrary out posting of staff found out to be very active in the struggle. Information reaching our news desk indicate that several staff have so far been posted out of the national headquarters to various states of the Federation.

Our reporter learnt that that this has not stopped the workers from going on with the plan strike even as they embarked on a peaceful demonstration at the National Assembly complex on Tuesday as a prelude to the commencement of the strike on Wednesday.

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The management is said to have even planted informants among the workers who give them daily feed back on the staff who are in the forefront of the agitation. It is alleged that is from such reports that the posting out of some of the staff was based. However, the workers remained resolute in pressing for their legitimate demand and are bent on going ahead with the planned strike.

The workers are demanding among many things the payment of their minimum wage. Below is the communique released after their emergency congress on Monday stating their demands.

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