Britains  new prime minister Rishi Sunak has pledged to run No10 with 'integrity and humility' today but warned of 'profound challenges' to come after being handed the keys to Downing Street.

Prime Minister Sunak delivered the message after being confirmed as the next PM when his sole remaining rival Penny Mordaunt failed to make the threshold of 100 nominations needed to trigger a run-off.


Speaking to a camera at Conservative HQ, Sunak said the UK is a 'great country' and vowed to work 'day in and day out', but pointed to serious economic problems.


The new premier received a rapturous reception when he made a 10-minute private speech to MPs at Parliament, telling his troops that Mr. Johnson, Ms. Mordaunt and Ms. Truss were 'all good Conservative colleagues and friends', adding: 'We're united behind the policy and now cannot afford the indulgence of division over personality. 


According to one MP present he said: 'We have one chance. It is unite or die.'


It marks a spectacular political revival for Sunak, just seven weeks after he was soundly defeated by Liz Truss in the struggle to succeed Mr. Johnson.


But after her extraordinary 44-day implosion, he now faces one of the toughest in-trays for any PM with the public finances in chaos and the worst of the cost-of-living to come.


Prime Minister Sunak is expected to be formally installed as PM by King Charles tomorrow. 

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