More than 22 per cent of the UK employees have said they faced discrimination in the workplaces because of their identities.

But the figure was lower than in the U.S. and other European countries, according to new research released on Tuesday.

People from Black and Asian backgrounds, as well as those belonging to the LGBT+ community were more likely to have experienced such issues, the survey suggested.

Some 4,973 people from the US, UK, France, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands were surveyed online in May and June this year by data and market research company Savanta.

It said about 1,523 who were based in the UK, 22 per cent said they had experienced discrimination at work due to an aspect of their identity.

This was below the 28 per cent average across the six countries, with people appearing to be worst affected in the U.S. (33 per cent) and Sweden (32 per cent).

But the findings for people in the UK among under-represented groups suggested more experiences of discrimination.

It has a figure of 45 per cent for Black people and 41 per cent for people from an Asian background.

A third (33 per cent) of people from the LGBT+ community said they have experienced discrimination in the workplace.

Some 42 per cent of UK employees surveyed agreed there were inequalities in pay and promotion within their organisation just below the 45per cent average across all countries.

Black employees were more than twice as likely as the UK average to agree that they have been passed over for a promotion, at 58 per cent compared with 24 per cent.

Almost a quarter (24 per cent) of UK employees reported they had left a role or were considering a move in the near future because they did not feel comfortable expressing their views.

Sadia Corey, vice president of client development at Savanta, said.

“it’s worrying to learn that such a high number of employees have felt discriminated against in their place of work with many under-represented groups having similar experiences.

“While much discriminations come as a result of unconscious bias among workers, managers and company policy, there is clearly more to be done to ensure that the workplace is a safe space for everyone.’’

But the research also suggested some positives, with 84 per cent of people in the UK whose employer has a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) task force.

They felt it has been effective at implementing change, and 70 per cent agreeing that such training has been effective.

Just over half (51 per cent) of UK employees reported that their employer addresses important social issues as they arise through holding meetings and webinars and sending out newsletters.

47 per cent of them said their employer validated all gender identities by for example encouraging workers to put their pronouns in their email signatures.

Almost two thirds (62 per cent) agreed that their employer creates an environment where all religious beliefs and identities are respected, the research found.

Corey added, “the good news is that there looks to be some progress among UK employers.

“Employees recognise that most employers are working hard to resolve these issues, and while there is still work to do.

“Senior leaders should be relieved that their DE&I diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives are starting to make a difference.’’

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