Over 200 environmental advocates killed in 2020 – NGO
A non-governmental organisation, Global Witness

A non-governmental organisation report released on Monday revealed that over 227 environmental advocates were killed around the world in 2020.

The report from the non-governmental organisation, Global Witness, recorded a rise compared to the 212 registered deaths among environmental and land defenders in 2019.

However, the organisation assumes that the actual number of environmental activists killed is significantly higher.

Almost three-quarters of the attacks took place in America, 65 conservationists and environmental activists were killed in Colombia, 30 in Mexico and 29 in the Philippines.

Companies, farmers and in some cases state actors as well as criminal gangs, paramilitary groups and rebels are believed to be mostly behind the acts of violence.

According to the Global Witness report most of the killings were related to forestry, followed by water and dam construction projects and agriculture. 

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