U.S. invites Taiwan to ‘Summit for Democracy’

The U.S. government has invited Taiwan to a so-called “Summit for Democracy” which will hold in December, in spite of tense relations with China.

The U.S. State Department published a list of more than 100 participating countries, including Taiwan but China and Russia are not on the list.

According to the official website, the summit is intended to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action.

Taiwan’s U.S. diplomatic envoy, Bi-khim Hsiao and the Digital Minister, Audrey Tang will attend the summit on Dec. 9 and 10.

Taiwan presidential spokesperson, Xavier Chang thanked U.S. President, Joe Biden and the U.S. government for the invitation.

Hsiao and Tang will demonstrate Taiwan’s firm determination to defend democracy and sharing its experience in enhancing governance through technology.

In Beijing, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, called for the White House to adhere to Beijing’s one-China principle, saying China is firmly opposes the invitation.

Zhao warned the U.S. that “playing with fire with Taiwan independence forces will only end up getting itself burnt.”

Taiwan has had an independent government since 1949 but China considers the self-governing democratic island part of its territory.

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