Mali must return to civil rule- Buhari insists
President Muhammadu Buhari

Nigeria President, Muhammadu Buhari has insisted that Mali must return to civil rule, urging West African leaders to mount pressure on the military leadership.

Buhari made the call Saturday in his statement at the 59th Ordinary session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS in Accra, Ghana.

Mali was recently suspended from the regional bloc due to a military coup.

Buhari said while democracy continues to develop, recent events in the nation are sad reminders that vigilance remains crucial to protect people’s aspirations to freely choose their government.

”Pressures are needed to ensure that the transition process in Mali, which is half-way to its conclusion, is not aborted.”

Buhari lamented that about half of the country is under the grip of terrorists.

The Nigerian leader warned that a further slide could prove catastrophic to the sub-region.

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