The man known as the loneliest man in the world is dead, he is believed to be the last-surviving member of an isolated Amazon tribe that had avoided almost any contact with the outside world.

Reports show that for at least, the last 26 years of his life, he was without company or family as most of his tribe or family is believed to have been killed in the 1970s and 1980s by desperate ranchers exploiting the amazon jungle.


The London human-rights charity Survival International described the controversial elimination of his tribesmen as a ‘secret genocide’.


The decomposing body is thought to be that of a 60years old male and was found in western Brazil on August 23 near the Bolivian border it had laid down with bright macaw feathers over the corpse.


According to an Indigenous expert Marcelo dos Santos, it appeared in his final hours he was trying to cure himself of an illness. Or maybe he wanted his most valuable possessions around him as he died.‘He was waiting for death, there were no signs of violence,’ said the man’s peaceful passing the government says he died of natural causes is in stark contrast to the fate of other members of his tribe.


He was also known as the man of the hole because of his penchant to hide away in deep holes he was fond of digging deep holes in the amazon.


Little wonder Charity’s research director Fiona Watson described the man globally known as the loneliest man in the world as ‘One can only imagine what this man was thinking, going through, living on his own, not able to speak to anybody and I think very frightened because any outsider for him represented a threat, given his terrible experience.’


In 1996 Brazilian Government’s Indian Affairs agency (FUNAI) Officials discretely monitored him from a distance in the Tanaru indigenous area in the state of Rondonia.


He was captured in a film with his frightened eyes staring out from a straw hut where he was hiding next to a fireplace.


Reports say he was mute as he sharpened wooden sticks using the hut wall to scare off perceived threats.


The hole man often used a bow and arrow to aim at anybody who came too close to him. 


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