The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has urged its worshippers to mobilize support for its members vying for various political positions in the 2023 general elections.


Pastor Ralph Afalagboye, Regional Evangelist of the Church in Ebonyi, said in his sermon titled, “Living in Covenant” on Sunday in Abakaliki, that its members would continue to be their top priority in terms of support.


Afalagboye stated the need to have a covenant with God, as such actions could bring victory, and peace amongst others.


He prayed for victory for all its members seeking political positions, including the Ebonyi Gubernatorial Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Dr. Ifeanyi Chukwuma Odii, who attended the Church.


“Convent with God can help to achieve promotions and favors from above.


“There is a need to always draw closer to God because when you are in Christ, you become a new creature, and old things will pass away.


“God never forgets His own people. I declare convent for safety and peace for the nation and for citizens.


“Convent for promotion and for victory. I prayed as a child of God, you are to be victorious in all you do.


“In this election, we are supporting every one of our members, irrespective of the political parties. We have no party but this is our position.


“Our members are our top priority in the coming general elections. RCCG members must know that our member is our own,” he added.


In his response, Odii, PDP Gubernatorial Candidate, expressed gratitude to the RCCG church for their prayers and support in ensuring that he becomes the Governor of Ebonyi.


“I sincerely appreciate the support and the prayers I have been receiving. May the Almighty God continue to make the way and I believe in the end, the outcome will be victorious,” Odii added.

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