Mr. David Anyaele, Convener, of the Coalition of Disability Organisation (CODO), has urged the Federal Government to step up efforts to provide an inclusive and accessible environment and services for People with Disabilities (PWDs) at airports across the country.

Anyaele made the appeal on Tuesday at a public presentation on Enhancing Access to Airports for Persons With Disabilities which was held at Elomaz Hotel, Maryland, Lagos.

The convener also urged the government to train relevant personnel on ways to handle people with disabilities.

He said that PWDs experienced challenges and discrimination at airports across the country.

“People with Disabilities experience a lot of hardship in the country and the difficulty in traveling through the airport isn’t easy at all because there are no basic amenities for us there.

“We are treated harshly by airport staff because of our disabilities, so special training should be organized for airport and airline personnel on the needs of PWDs and how best to meet them.

“In other countries, there are wheelchair elevators that convey us to the aircraft and back, but in this country, there is none like that, as even the bus that would carry you to the point of entry of the aircraft isn’t user-friendly in all ramifications.

“The government needs to address this urgently because there are so many difficulties we experience in the airport and it shouldn’t be so,” he said.

Anyaele urged the Federal Government to carry out more enlightenment programs on the need to respect the rights of PWDs.

He said that there should be advocacy for the implementation and enforcement of National Disability Laws and other laws in order to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.

The convener said that travel information at airports should be provided in accessible formats for various categories of PWDs.

“The airport authorities need to go beyond the use of public address systems for announcements which persons with auditory impairment may not be able to decode.

“There should also be provided for the inclusion of information at booking points so as to indicate their status and special needs, for airport officials to make necessary arrangements to meet their needs,” he said.

Ibrahim Jafar, Assistant General Manager, Directorate of Consumer Protection, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), noted that appropriate authorities were working on ensuring that amenities for PWDs are provided.

He added that cases of discrimination should be reported to the appropriate quarters for sanctions.

“I’m certain that the relevant airport authorities are working to ensure that all these amenities are provided so as to cater to the needs of PWDs.

“In cases of discrimination of PWDs by airport and airline personnel, reports should be lodged to the complaint unit of NCAA and you can be rest assured that it would get the relevant attention,” he said.

Mr. Ope Akinola, a visibly impaired man, told the News Agency of Nigeria, (NAN) that discrimination was a major problem for people with disabilities.

He said that amenities such are tactical markings on the stairs and floor of the airport were not provided for people with disabilities.

“Discrimination against people with disabilities is a major problem in this country and this issue can be addressed by enlightening the public about this.

“Also, in most public places, amenities for PWDs are not provided and one of the reasons for that is because of the discrimination against us.

“People need to realize that we are also human beings and we didn’t decide to be this way, so, we should be treated like every other being,” he said.

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