The news of the appointment of Air Commodore Wapkerem Maigida as the 18th Director of Public Relations and Information (DOPRI) of the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) by the Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Oladayo Amao, was heralded with excitement from the media and the general public who have come to terms with the competence of the senior officer in the discharge of his functions in various positions assigned to him.

The appointment didn't come as a surprise to many, especially those who reckon with the Nigerian Air Force under Air Marshal Amao’s dynamic leadership as a professional military service that has continued in its tradition of excellence and competence in all operations and administration while taking into cognizance and placing reputable officers and men in positions to drive critical units of the Force.

Maigida, on the assumption of duty, expressed without hesitation, his commitment to sustain the ongoing media campaigns of the Nigerian Air Force aimed at gaining public support for its operations. He further emphasized that under his watch, the Directorate of Public Relations and Information will keep forging ahead with the NAF media campaign mandate, leveraging the various media platforms to narrate the success stories of the force.

Although postings of senior officers are routine in the Nigerian Air Force just like every other reputable organization and done without recourse to ethnic or religious bias, Maigidas’ appointment, which is indeed to rejig information flow as the Nigerian Air Force moves towards effectively addressing the various security threats in the country, comes as a result of his competence in professionally discharging assignments handed to him in times past.

What distinguishes any image maker of an organization is his ability to be reached at the shortest possible notice and his prompt response to issues, no matter what time of the day it is. The importance of having a scribe who is committed to his job in providing timely information to keep the general public informed for an organization like the Nigerian Air Force at this critical time in our national history dealing with several security issues across the country cannot be overstated. Air Commodore Maigida no doubt fits into this category, as he has demonstrated many times while acting as the Director of Defense Information. Very unassuming but welcoming, he would give journalists and everyone he encountered a listening ear while responding appropriately in line with his official disposition.

A member of the 42 Regular Course of the Nigerian Defense Academy (NDA), Air Commodore Maigida was commissioned into the Nigerian Air Force in 1995. The senior officer holds a Master of Science degree in Security and Strategic Studies and a Bachelor of Arts degree in History, both from the NDA. He also graduated from the Nigerian Institute of Journalism in Lagos with a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Relations and Advertising.

Notable among the military courses attended by Air Commodore Maigida are the National Defense Course at the National Defense College in Nigeria and the Air War Course at the Air Force War College in Makurdi, Benue State. He attended the Junior Staff Course at the Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Jaji, Kaduna, and the Senior Staff Course at the Air Force Command College in Beijing, China.

The senior officer also attended the International Public Affairs Officers course at the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre in Sweden, the Civil-Military Relations/Cooperation Course at Indonesian National Defense Forces Peacekeeping Centre, Indonesia, and the Deputy Spokesman Course at the Joint Information Activities Group, Royal Air Force Base, Halton, United Kingdom.

Prior to his recent appointment, Air Commodore Maigida was the Commander of NAF Station 551, Jos. The senior officer served as Acting Director and Deputy Director of Defense Information at Defense Headquarters, Deputy Director of Public Relations and Information, and Deputy Director Civil-Military Relations, both at the Headquarters of the Nigerian Air Force.

Much as the senior officer has no doubt demonstrated capacity for the job over the years, as can be attested by his resume and those who know him closely, it is important for Nigerians from all walks of life to show understanding and support to the new scribe by giving him the required cooperation in the discharge of his duties. The media, as the fourth estate, must not be seen to be promoting ethnic and religious tension in the country through their reportage, but rather play a pivotal role in supporting the Armed Forces in addressing security challenges in the country by ensuring the promoters of extremism and terrorism do not use their platforms to propagate evil or deride our military.

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