Journalists have been called to synergize with Civil Society organizations to enhance the fight against gender-based violence.

Mrs. Ify Unachukwu made the call at a one-day capacity training for media practitioners, organized by Women Situation Room Nigeria (WSRN).

She said the training which attracted select media practitioners based in Anambra State, was also co-organized with the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Nigeria.

Unachukwu, the resource person, spoke on the topic “Understanding Gender-Based Violence, Strategies for Combating it and issues for Advocacy”, and said some of the objectives included strengthening the capacities of the media personnel to report on gender equality issues.

She said that media personnel must strengthen investigative journalism and ethical considerations for engaging with survivors of violence among others.

Unachukwu said that reproductive rights are legal rights and freedoms relating to reproduction and reproductive health,

She stated that gender-based violence is against the law where reproductive organs are violated and noted that everybody has a right to adequate living standards.

She further noted that the media can promote the fight against gender-based violence through agenda-setting, accurate, honest, and clear communication on gender-based violence.

In her remarks, the Anambra State Coordinator Women Situation Room, Nigeria,(WSRN), Miss Hope Okoye, said that WSRN is a women-led civil society organization initiative aimed at encouraging women's participation in politics, governance, and promotion of peace.

She noted that prevention of gender-based violence should be holistic even as she opined that GBV is fueled by societal values, orientation, and harmful cultural practices.

Okoye said if the media provide the people with adequate sensitization of the provisions of the law, especially the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) law, issues of gender-based violence will be reduced.

Okoye also disclosed that on the eve of the 2023 election, the Women’s Situation Room Nigeria free-toll line will be opened and she encouraged everyone to key in and report feedback on the election process.

During the interactive session, some of the participants including Ms. Monic Okechukwu said that the privacy of the person reporting needs to be respected.

Okechukwu said that media practitioners need to apply professional skills in reportage to avoid conflicts in reports.

Mrs. Tochi Ifejrijja said that violence against women is on the increase and urgent attention is required to curb the menace.

Mr. Okey Onuegbu said that media practitioners are willing to help in exposing the ills of violence against women but that the efforts are sabotaged by the unwillingness of the victims to stand by the media when the issue is blown up.

Mrs. Uche Nwora said that consent of the victim is needed for the media to escalate the issue when notified but since the issue is not so it hinders the efforts of the media.

She suggested that more enlightenment needs to be done to educate the target audience about their rights and the laws backing them.

She said that government should empower its agencies to speak more about the rights of the people and where to seek help in case of any abuse.

Mrs. Yohanna Rachal, Director, of Davina Care Foundation, said that more needs to be done to bring to light degrees of violence witnessed on daily basis.

Rachel urged the media to see how best they can give voice to those who are fearful of their oppressors.

She said that the issues of gender-based violence are ravaging society at an alarming rate and need to be checked urgently.

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