China has identified people-to-people cooperation, which leads to cultural exchanges, as one of the main areas of focus in its relationship with Nigeria and other countries.

Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Amb. Cui Jianchun said this at a one-day seminar held at the University of Abuja on Tuesday day.

The seminar had as its theme “Chinese Harmony and China-Nigeria Symphony”.

Cui said policy coordination, financial integration, facilities connectivity, and trade and investment were the other cooperation priorities of its government.

The ambassador explained that policy coordination included planning and supporting large-scale infrastructural development projects, and financial integration included enhancing monetary coordination and bilateral financial cooperation.

He also described trade and investment as facilitating cross-border investments and supply chain cooperation, and the facilities connectivity included building facilities to enable connectivity along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The BRI, also referred to as the New Silk Road, is a China-led infrastructure project that aims to stretch globally.

The initiative was launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping and has a collection of development and investment initiatives originally devised to link East Asia and Europe through physical infrastructure.

The project has, however, expanded to Africa, Oceania, and Latin America.

Moreover, Cui said the trade value between China and the BRI countries was 13.8 yuan, which is approximately 923 trillion naira or two trillion dollars, which Nigeria is part of.

“The BRI is an initiative proposed by the Chinese Government aimed at promoting Nigeria-China, Africa-China relations.

“It is good to try to increase trade among the big countries, not only the individual countries.

“Nigeria and China have huge potentials which both countries can work together to harness.

“The most important thing is how we can increase our productivity in Nigeria, and I am working hard on trying to build industries, trying to get Chinese investment.

“I do believe in the future that we can have products exported to Chinese markets,” he said.

The envoy who said BRI had achieved its objectives, urged both countries to explore the extensive consultations, enjoy the contributions, and share the benefits.

He added that he was ready to work with the new administration to be sworn in on May 29.

“I have talked with the president-elect and the vice president-elect and I believe we shared a lot of ideas, and I have also shared my ideas and practices with the current President Buhari, and China believes that the current president has set a very solid foundation for the next government.

“In spite of the challenges Nigeria faced, the country has smart, hardworking, and talented people.”

He also said China was willing to assist Nigeria with its security situation.

He said he convinced Chinese investors to have confidence concerning the security situation that China had experienced in the 1950s.

He also said China and Nigeria could work together to find solutions with security agencies, the judicial system, and politicians.

Also speaking, Prof. Abdul-Rasheed Na’Allah, Vice Chancellor, University of Abuja said harmony and peace were needed for the development of the country.

Na’Allah said the university had hosted and would continue hosting programs on different issues of intellectual and cultural significance.

“Nigeria is eager to develop; it has all the resources it needs to develop. Nigeria is extremely rich and the reason we have not developed is that we do not have peace, leadership, and visionary commitment to development.

“University of Abuja is at the center of this now. We are starting the leadership center in which we are training people on leadership and governance.

“We are also moving very big to make sure that we train people to understand the need for development.”

The vice chancellor said he was sure the meeting with China would enable students to think about development and productivity.

He also said the university was starting some new courses related to the health, science, and communications sector which would be accredited in three years.

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