Int’l Day of Families: Former Power Minister cautions against broken homes

The former Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, has urged parents to imbibe Godly virtues of forgiveness and tolerance in their families to stem the tide of broken homes.

Nebo, who is an Archdeacon in the Anglican church, made the call in a sermon at the Church of Resurrection Power, New Haven, Enugu on Sunday to mark the beginning of Family Week.

The International Day of Families was established by the United Nations in 1993 to raise awareness about the importance of families and to promote the role of families in the society.

The day is observed every May 15th and serves as an opportunity to celebrate the unique bond and love that families share.

The 2023 International Day of Families observance is to raise awareness of the impact of demographic trends on families with the theme, “Families and Demographic Change”.

Venerable Nebo advised spouses to understand, encourage one another with love and nurture their children with the fear of God to eradicate social vices in the society.

He emphasized that respect, honesty, cooperation, love and peaceful coexistence were basic components of a Christian family.

Nebo advised couples to engage in dialogue whenever problem arose instead of escalating it or involving third parties.

In his remarks, the Vicar of the church, Venerable George Obiekezie, stressed the need to raise children in godly ways to reduce family disputes. 

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