Lawyer commends NBA leadership for curbing misconduct among members

Dr Kayode Ajulo, a legal practitioner, has praised the leadership of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) for curbing misconduct among members.

Ajulo’s commendation is contained in a statement made available to newsmen in Abuja on Friday

He lauded the NBA  leadership for the checks and balances mechanism it had in place to contain the excesses and ill-actions of some lawyers within the association.

He said it was the responsibility of the leadership of the NBA, which encompasses the General Council of Bar, Body of Benchers, and Senior Advocates to set disciplinary measures for practitioners of the legal profession.

Ajulo urged the leadership of the association not to shirk its responsibilities of calling to question the stewardship of those elected into various positions in the country.

“We are the ones who, by the privilege of our training and expertise, are positioned to ask the right questions and interrogate the system.

“We are to call those saddled with the responsibility of providing security for lives and properties of Nigerians to account for their stewardship,’’ he said.

Ajulo said Nigerians were eagerly waiting for the discharge of the leadership responsibility and interventions of the members of the legal profession.

According to him, NBA has what it takes to precipitate in the governance that would bring succour and the freedom Nigerians deserved,

For him, the NBA cannot afford to shirk its responsibilities.

He urged NBA to live up to the mandate accruing to it from the constitution, adding that doing so will ensure justice in the society.

He observed that with proper administration of justice in place, the society would be devoid of lust, brutishness, gluttony, chaos, and disorder.

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