Group hails Nigerian military’s roles in global peace, stabilisation efforts

The National Security Assessment Group (NSAG), a civil society group, has lauded the role of the Nigerian military in restoring peace and stabilisation in various parts of the world.

The National Coordinator of NSAG, Mr Ismail Aliyu, in a statement on Thursday in Abuja, said Nigerian Armed Forces had continued to exhibit unwavering commitment to global peace and that of Africa in particular.

Aliyu said the recent return of 84 Nigerian soldiers who served in the ECOWAS Stabilisation Support Mission in Guinea Bissau to Nigeria was commemdable.

He added that the commendation trailing the performance of Nigerian troops in the United Nations Interim Security Force (UNISFA) for Abyei in Sudan had also demonstrated such commitment.

According to him, the Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander UNISFA, Maj.-Gen. Benjamin Sawyerr, is a Nigerian, while the 160 strength Nigerian Contingent Force to UNISFA is commanded by Col. E. J. Nkwereuwen.

The group said that reports from various countries where Nigerian troops were engaged in peacekeeping operations revealed that the troops had continued to be disciplined, loyal and submissive to constituted authority.

“We cannot be happy enough that we now have a Chief of Defence Staff, Maj.-Gen. Christoper Musa, who played a pivotal role in making the North East peaceful during his time as Theatre Commander, Operation Hadin.

“The sacrifices made by Nigerian military in restoration of peace within and outside the country is unequalled.

“It reinforces the fact that the Nigerian military is equal to the task wherever they find themselves.

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