REDAN has zero-tolerance for shady deals......Dr. Aliyu Oroji Wamakko, Outgoing REDAN President

The outgoing President of Real Estate Developer's Association of Nigeria (REDAN) Dr. Aliyu Oroji Wamakko recently said the body has zero tolerance for any shady deals just as he promised to work with the federal government led by President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu on the path of sanity and national development.

He further said, "Let me re-state here that we are willing to work with all strata of government to ease life for Nigerian citizens. 

"Our Association would like to assure government of our support in ensuring the success of its policies on affordable and accessible housing in Nigeria bearing in mind that Housing is a basic human need that shapes the quality of life for individuals, families and communities.

"By its nature, the Real Estate Sector is labour intensive with benefits in terms of employment and the multiplier effect to many sectors of the economy that can turn the economy around

"In doing so, we wish to place on record for all Members to know that REDAN's leadership has zero-tolerance for shady deals and will continue to work with government on the path of sanity and national development.

"I want to use this opportunity to call on businessmen and women entrepreneurs-to embrace real estate development as a profitable venture that provides high returns on investment, creates job, provides shelter as well as makes life comfortable for humanity.

I also call on the Federal government led by President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to give priority to housing development in the country by providing the enabling environment and support required for promoting real estate development in Nigeria."

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