Benin Traditional Stool: Royal Family Suspends Professor Akenzua for Rebellious Acts

The Benin Royal Family announced the suspension of Professor Gregory Akenzua on Monday, citing his alleged variance with the customs, traditions, and core values of the traditional institution. 

Prince George Eweka, a member of the Royal Family, addressed journalists in Benin City, reading a statement that highlighted Professor Akenzua's rebellious acts against the monarch.

This development follows Professor Akenzua's decision to institute a court case against the current Benin Monarch, Oba Ewuare II, for suspending him from his duties as a Duke.

Prince Eweka explained that despite being given numerous opportunities to retract his actions and take the path of dignity, Professor Akenzua failed to do so, leading to the Royal Family's decision of suspension.

According to Prince George Eweka, the Oba of Benin holds a unique position as the father of every member of the Benin Royal Family, regardless of age.

He said, as such, he does not practice Okaegbe, family hierarchy, like other families in the Benin Kingdom, but rather Odion Egbe, which requires him to defer to His Royal Majesty.

Professor Akenzua was accused of holding secret meetings to assert himself as a leader, despite knowing he was not rightfully entitled to do so.

After a thorough review, the Royal Family has excused Professor Gregory Idurobo Akenzua from the family for his rebellious acts against the Benin Traditional Institution.

The Royal Family members have been urged not to engage with him for the duration of his suspension.

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