Oborevwori Tasks Wealthy Deltans, Organisations On Devt Of Delta 

Delta State Government has called on multi-national companies, Non-governmental Organisations, philanthropists and well to do Deltans both at home and in the diaspora to contribute their quota in fast-tracking sustainable development in all parts of the state. 

Governor Sheriff Oborevwori made the call while inaugurating a block of six classrooms each in four secondary schools at Ogwashi-Uku in Aniocha South Local Government Area of the state which were renovated by members of Ogwashi-Uku Association, USA Inc.

The four schools that benefited from the Association's gesture were Adaigbo Mixed Secondary School, Comprehensive Secondary School, Saint Roses Girls Grammar School and Nshiagu College all in Ogwashi-Uku. 

Rt. Hon. Oborevwori who commended sons and daughters of Ogwashi-Uku based in the United States of America for their laudable gesture, called on well spirited individuals to follow their footsteps as government alone could not address the entire needs of the people.

The governor who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Dr. Kingsley Emu, said several road projects have been initiated by the present administration, pointing out that the MORE Agenda of his administration was aimed at advancing development in the state. 

He said the state has 489 secondary schools, 51,000 employees, 12,900 local government employees as well as other commitments, hence the need for reliable partnership.

"I am so happy that you are not just building physical infrastructure, you are also equipping them. So, we would like to thank you for this gesture. 

"The reward for hard work is more work. So, we expect that many more would be done in the other areas.

"They should do things that they will be remembered for. This association, Ogwashi-Uku Development Union, USA, will be remembered for something very good. 

"Other communities should borrow a leave from the association as what they have done is something worth emulating.

"As you can see, some critical infrastructures are being executed here in Ogwashi-Uku. You couldn't have driven past Ibusa all the way to Ogwashi-Uku on that bye-pass, that is a lot of access road, that is an inlet into Ogwashi-Uku. If you don't do that, how are you going to have access", he added.

Meanwhile, the governor charged various communities in the state to protect all government projects in their domains from vandals, even as he solicited the support of all in ensuring that peace reigned in all parts of the state. 

Earlier in her address on the Association, Dr. Henrietta Udensi underscored the importance of education in societal growth and development, adding that it was the best legacy parents could bequeath their children.

She noted that education was the best investment for sustainable development, pointing out that education would continue to receive the attention of all stakeholders both at the local, state and federal levels in Nigeria, just as she disclosed that it was for this reason that the Ogwashi-Uku Association USA INC decided to embark on the execution of the projects.

Executive Assistant to the governor on Community Development, Mr. Emakpor Odogwu, and other speakers at the ceremony, described the projects as laudable and charged students and management of the benefiting schools to put the renovated classrooms blocks into good use.

In their separate remarks, principals of the four secondary schools who expressed profound appreciation to members of Ogwashi-Uku Association in the United States of America, assured them that they would make good use of the school facilities in addition to protecting them from vandals.

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