Yoruba Nation agitation rocks Osun as Sunday Igboho joins rally
Yoruba nation supporters during a rally in Osogbo.

Some youth agitating for a Yoruba nation have stormed Osogbo, the capital of Osun State, calling for the breakaway of the ethnic group from Nigeria.

The protest apparently organized by ‘Omo Oduduwa United’ commenced in the morning with some youths and became large in the afternoon.

The agitators, who are currently holding their rally, have grounded activities in the state capital as major roads are blocked.

They converged at the ‘November 27 Bridge’ along Ibadan expressway, Osogbo with placards of various inscriptions. 

Thereafter, they moved in numbers to the town where residents were joining them upon discovering the purpose of the protest.

Hundreds of the agitators bore placards with the inscriptions “We want Freedom”, “Omo Yoruba Ile Ti Ya” among others.

They were also seen chanting secession songs, and distributing handbills to people along the streets.

The latest rally is coming two weeks after some of the agitators were arrested in Ogun State for carrying out the same activities.

A similar rally by Yoruba nation agitators was held in Ibadan, Oyo State capital on April 21. It was also disrupted by the police.

Some high profile Nigerians have said only an urgent restructuring would save Nigeria from breaking up.

It would be recalled that 17 southern governors in Nigeria also called for restructuring.

But the presidency has maintained that calls for restructuring are “recurring threats to the corporate existence of the country with factions giving specific timelines for the President to do one thing or another or else, in their language, ‘the nation will break up.”

A former governor of Oyo State, Rashidi Ladoja, who seems not to be comfortable with the Yoruba nation agitators on Thursday said “Yorubas should act rather than talking too much on secession.”

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