The Northern Governors Forum has called for calm and dialogue in resolving the ongoing face-off between the Kaduna State Government and the organised labour over purported plans by the Government to right-size its workforce.

Chairman of the Forum and Governor of Plateau State Simon Bako Lalong in a statement said the Forum is concerned about the impact of the strike on the State and its citizens.

While calling for dialogue and negotiations which is a long standing dispute mechanism in labour relations, the Northern Governors called for restraint and de-escalation of the situation to enable for amicable settlement of the issues in question.

He said this is only possible when both parties operate within the law and approved conventions in ventilating their grievances as well as avoid making comments or taking actions that will further exacerbate the situation thereby heightening tension.

The Northern Governors Forum also asked the labour leaders to guard against the hijack of its protests by hoodlums who may want to take advantage of the situation and cause destruction to lives and properties.

It also asked security agencies to also be responsive to ensure that law and order prevails so as to protect innocent citizens.

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