Nigerians have continued to react to the news that broke Tuesday where it was reported that truckloads of beer were destroyed by the Hisbah Command in Kano State.

Former presidential aide, Reno Omokri has lent his voice to the action carried out by the Hisbah authorities and he was quick to make his thought known through his official facebook page on Wednesday.

It was widely reported that the Kano State Hisbah Command on Tuesday confiscated 8,400 bottles of beer which was allegedly smuggled into the state from Zaria, Kaduna State.

 The goods, which allegedly belong to a businessman from the South-East, were destroyed following a ban on alcohol in the state. Reacting, Reno said if the Northerners could engage in such an act without confrontation from authorities, the Southerners can also destroy cows belonging to their counterparts.
“Yesterday, Kano Hisbah destroyed a lorry load of beer belonging to a Southerner, and Nigeria did not collapse (even though Kano happily receives VAT from beer sold in the South). “In the same vein, Nigeria will not collapse if Southern states destroy any cattle caught grazing openly. We must refuse to live in a country where cows have more rights than human beings,” Reno posted.

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