NIHOTOUR committed to SERVICOM pact- Kangiwa
The Director General of NIHOTOUR, Nura Kangiwa, National Coordinator of SERVICOM, Mrs. Nnenna Akajemeli in company of diginatories, unveiled the NIHOTOUR SERVICOM CHATER

The Director-General of the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR), Nura Sani Kangiwa has reiterated the commitment of the Institute under his watch for effective and quality service delivery that meets the needs and satisfaction of its customers and stakeholders in line with the mandate for which the Institute was established.

Kangiwa who stated this at the unveiling of the NIHOTOUR SERVICOM Charter at the headquarter of the Institute in Abuja noted that NIHOTOUR owes its teeming customers and the Nigerian people nothing less than the provision of satisfactory training services in Hands-On-Skills for personnel in the travel tourism and hospitality industry that will boost performance in the sector for better economic growth of the country.

With the support and dedication to duty being exhibited by the staff of the Institute in the delivery of its core mandate, Kangiwa assured Nigerians of NIHOTOUR’s deployment of transparency, efficiency, promptness, and integrity of competence and capability to deliver the quality of training services required for the provision of high standard service delivery in Nigeria’s travel tourism and hospitality industry in line with global best practices.

He noted that the unveiling of the SERVICOM Charter of the Institute is a clear demonstration and commitment of NIHOTOUR to uphold the tenets and hallmarks of the SERVICOM Charter to deliver selfless services with integrity, objectivity, openness, and honesty to the delight and satisfaction of the customers.

In her address to unveil the NIHOTOUR SERVICOM Charter, Mrs. Nnenna Akajemeli, National Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer of SERVICOM said the NIHOTOUR SERVICOM Charter is the Service Charter of the Institute designed to serve as guidance for effective and efficient service delivery by NIHOTOUR as well as a guide to its teaming customers to access the services and ways to seek redress in the event of unsatisfactory service delivery.

While stating her belief in NIHOTOUR’s ability to deliver on its services to the admiration and satisfaction of her customers, Mrs. Akajemeli called on staff of the Institute to support the leadership in carrying out their duties for quality service delivery to the Nigerian populace in honesty, transparency, and fairness that are verifiable and measurable.

Head of NIHOTOUR SERVICOM Unit, Mrs. Gemma Simon, pledged the continued commitment and dedication of members of her team to their responsibilities in ensuring the Institute delivers on its mandate and that customers get the quality of services they deserve, with a call on partners of the Institute’s Charter of SERVICOM to offer them the needed support and cooperation for the achievement of the set objectives in the overall interest of the travel tourism and hospitality industry of the country.
The management staff of both Agencies including students of the Institute who witnessed the unveiling of the NIHOTOUR Charter of SERVICOM expressed optimism that this will usher in another vista for more efficient and effective service delivery by NIHOTOUR.

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