'Go and make God and Plateau proud' Lalong tells Lafia Catholic Bishop-elect, MSGNR, David Jang
Catholic Bishop-elect of Lafia Diocese Msgnr David Ajang

Governor Simon Bako Lalong has charged the Catholic Bishop-elect of Lafia Diocese Msgnr David Ajang to continue to serve God and declare His salvation to the world without fear or hesitation.

Governor Lalong was speaking at a send forth Mass organised for the Bishop-elect by his Parish, the Church of Immaculate Conception, Zarmaganda Jos.

Lalong said "His commitment to the Catholic Church and the propagation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ here on the Plateau and elsewhere is very much acknowledged and appreciated. Having worked closely with him as the Chaplain of the Government House Chapel for the past six years, I can testify about his deep passion to the salvation of the souls of men.

"We therefore have to release him and pray for him as he takes on this new responsibility. My Lord Bishop-elect, as you leave us for what could be referred to in other quarters as the Next Level, we urge you to go and make us proud just like you have done over the years by providing spiritual cover for the Government and people of Plateau State".

Lalong said at the time when the nation is going through many challenges, the Church remains the beacon of hope and a place of refuge, urging the Bishop-elect not not to depend on human wisdom, power or might, but the Spirit of God and His grace.

The Bishop-elect who took his Homily, read from 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 and Mark 4:26-34 said growth, both physical and spiritual, requires deliberate efforts and choices by those involved as God blesses their good efforts.

He urged the congregation to always choose how they spend their time and with whom they keep company as it eventually defines the level of progress they attain.

He thanked the parishioners of CIC Zarmaganda for their love and support which enabled him perfom his priestly duties, urging them to pray for him as he takes om his new assignment.

He also thanked Governor Lalong for giving him the opportunity to serve as the Chaplain of the Plateau State Government House Chapel, describing the experience as worthwhile and rewarding.

There was thanksgiving and songs of praise to God in marking the event.

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