The Chief Missioner (CM) of the Nasrul-Lahi-l-Fatih Society, (NASFAT), Imam Abdul-Azeez Onike, on Monday urged the Federal Government to stop the killings of citizens in parts of the country, to restore safety in the land.


Onike made the call in a document signed by NASFAT Publicity Secretary, Mr. Abdul Akeem-Yusuf, made available to newsmen in Lagos.


The message was to arouse public consciousness on the steady killings of fellow nationals living in other areas of the country other than their home states.


It reports that NASFAT is a civil society organization with a focus on the well-being of women and youth.


The Missioner described the killing of others resident in parts of the country as unpatriotic and injustice and asked people to love one another for peace and development.


He said the Federal Government needed to realize that two wrongs could not make a right and quickly wade into attacks and reprisal attacks that seemed to be crippling the national life.


“FG should urgently address the threatening insecurity that is making some Nigerians start feeling unsafe in the part of Nigeria they have chosen to settle.


“Whereas, every Nigerian is expected to have a right to live anywhere in the country, without any fear of molestation or risk to his life, family members, and properties.


“Condemning the brutal murder of a pregnant woman, in some part of the country, said that such heinous acts should stop.


“A situation that makes lives to be valueless to the extent of taking a fellow human being’s life without a qualm is unfortunate.


” According to the scriptures, one murder is equal to killing the whole of humanity.


“Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption done in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely.


“Whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.”


“Whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is Hell; he shall abide in it, and God will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement,” he said.


Onike urged every Nigerian to condemn killings in any form, to foster unity.


He noted that in Islam, there was no difference between the killer and those who support or cooperate with the killer.


“The Holy Prophet was told that a Muslim has been killed and his corpse is lying on the street.


“When the Holy Prophet and his companions reached the site of the murder, he enquired as to who the killer was.”


The people said, “We do not know.” The Prophet was surprised,


“A person has been killed among the Muslims, and no one knows of his killer?”


“By the Almighty who appointed me with Prophethood, If all the creatures of the heavens and the earth participate in the murder of a Muslim and are pleased upon that, then Allah would surely involve them in punishment and send them all to Hell.”


“Our noble Prophet also said, “A man will continue to be sound in his religion so long as he does not shed blood which it is forbidden to shed.”


Onike prayed for the repose of the souls of the departed victims of the societal undoings

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