Stakeholders in the environment sector on Tuesday in Abuja sought a credible decarbonization pathway for Nigeria.

They made the call at the inauguration of the Carbon Chamber Project (CCB), a conference organized by the National Chamber Policy Centre of the Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI).

The conference with the theme “Carbon Footprints Reduction: The Role of Business’’, was aimed at recognizing the role of business in carbon reduction.

Chief John Udeagbalam highlighted the importance of helping businesses to access their carbon footprint and engage in advocacy for energy efficiency adoption.

Udeagbalam is the National President, of the Nigerian Association of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA.

Represented by Chief Emeka Ogbolu, Ist Deputy President, ACCI, Udeagbala emphasized the necessity to create a link between business and green energy providers.

“As much as we have raised the question of justice in energy transition at national and international levels, locally we need action to address our carbon footprints."

“NACCIMA has over 70 chambers of commerce under its fold across the federation."

“With thousands of companies as our members, the Chamber Carbon project is our response to the global push for carbon emissions reduction,’’ Udeagbala said.

Dr. Joe Abah, the Country Director, Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), emphasized the involvement of businesses in further strengthening Nigeria’s resilience against climate change impacts.

DAI is a company of skilled technical specialists and project managers, trained in the disciplines of international development.

According to Abah, it is fundamental to establish a systematic approach for the country to identify the major climate risks and vulnerabilities facing the country.

“How to strengthen existing capacities to adapt to the impacts of climate change."

“And here, the involvement of businesses and the civil society will be key,’’ he said.

Abah said that finding the right balance between the transition to green energy, climate change action, and equitable energy access was critical in carbon reduction.

“In Nigeria, a just transition is necessary to achieve a low-carbon economy while ensuring a just outcome for communities."

“Agriculture including forestry and land-use change and energy sectors are key sectors requiring significant restructuring to achieve a just transition inclusive for all."

“The green transition is a pathway that comes with many benefits in terms of income, job creation, and environmental sustainability."

“Both resilience and development can be achieved through a country and continent-wide green transition pathway that would see African economies adopt a low carbon, high-growth formula."

“Green growth and climate-smart solutions are economic and existential imperatives."

“Funding Nigeria’s climate requirements will require decisive action, strategic partnerships, and an environment where a thriving private sector is free to develop innovative new business models,’’ he said.

Also speaking, Mr. Sean Melbourne, Head of Climate Change and Energy West Africa, UK High Commission, said that the transition to Net Zero `would require unprecedented changes in how we invest, measure risk and assign value to assets’.

“Furthermore, greening the global financial system is crucial to ensuring that the risks from climate change and the opportunities of transition are systematically embedded and priced into mainstream decision-making,’’ Melbourne said.

He said that the global shift to a low carbon economy would transform many sectors including power, transport, construction, and agriculture.

“And as the biggest economy in Africa, the low carbon market opportunities in Nigeria are significant. Nigeria’s Economy is expected to undergo massive change over the next two decades."

“The most obvious opportunity is perhaps in the renewables sphere but there are many others too."

“Access to energy is key to promoting inclusive economic development, poverty alleviation, social equity, and advances in health and education."

“Off-grid renewables offer the most cost-effective solution to bringing energy to people who are not yet connected to the grid."

“As such, these technologies can contribute significantly to building climate resilience in poor rural and urban areas."

“Responsible waste management and support for the circular economy is another growth area,’’ he said.

Dr. Dorothy Bassey, the National President, of the Nigerian Environmental Society (NES) said that the reduction of Green House Gases was important to boost the global economy as well as improve public health.

According to Bassey, it will lead to positive incremental effects on plants and animal biodiversity, reduce the effects of climate change and promote innovation.

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