Dr. Adeleke Mamora, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) said the Federal Government would address the conditions of service of health workers in Nigeria.


The minister said this when a delegation of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) led by the President, Dr. Uche Ojinmah paid him a visit in Abuja on Thursday.


Mamora said the government would strive to improve the working conditions and remuneration of health workers, especially medical doctors.


He said the exodus of medical personnel, particularly doctors to foreign nations had to stop.


According to him, the government will do everything necessary to stem the tide of the migrating medical doctors.


Mamora pledged to defend the interest of doctors and health workers, considering their strategic importance to humanity.


He also urged the association to maintain a high level of integrity and conduct in line with the oath of the profession.


Earlier, Dr. Ojinmah, President of the NMA, requested the minister to discuss some of the association’s challenges such as the condition of service, working tools, and remuneration at the FEC meeting on their behalf.

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