Obi pays solidarity visit to Abure, endorses newly elected NWC  ...Urges unity, reconciliation

The Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 General Election, Mr. Peter Obi, on Tuesday, joined crowd of Party Faithfuls in the Federal Capital Territory to pay solidarity visit to the party leadership at the National Headquarters.

The party's National Leader, who also endorsed the newly elected National Working Committee of Labour Party led by Barrister Julius Abure, urged aggrieved party members to put the survival of Nigerians and Nigeria first above all other interests. 

Obi noted that Nigerians were passing through difficult times with many unable to afford the basic necessities of life. 

How to survive this challenge should be uppermost in the mind of well-meaning Nigerians and not the next election. 

He explained that politicians were quick to think about elections rather than governance which entails making life better for citizens.

Obi, while addressing the mammoth crowd of party supporters during the event, assured them that he will work with the leadership to ensure LP retains its leadership position in the FCT.

According to him, political parties exist only because Nigeria exists, as such it behooves on every one of us to work together to ensure the survival of our country because "Nigeria is the only country we have.”

Earlier, the National Chairman called on the aggrieved party members to sheath their sword and join in the battle to rescue Nigeria.

"We are at the point where Nigerians are grappling with economic challenges, where workers are not respected, earning a paltry N30,000 minimum wage, where inflation is sky high and where most Nigerians go to bed on empty stomach."

He appreciated Mr. Peter Obi for paying the visit and assured him that the party will do everything possible to restore unity in the party.

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