Shaibu advocates policy for players' welfare ...As he visits Tijani Babangida

A former deputy governor of Edo State, Philip Shaibu, has advocated for a policy that will take care of active and ex internationals who have served Nigeria during their active days.

Shaibu stated this when he paid a condolence visit to former Nigerian international, Tijani Babangida, at his Abuja home on Monday. 

Shaibu said players deserve all the support from the government having served Nigeria meritoriously and putting the country's name on the global stage through sports. 

While commiserating with the former Ajax Amsterdam of Holland speedstar over the loss of his son and brother, Shaibu said sports has been a unifying factor in Nigeria irrespective of what the country and the citizens are passing through and as such must be given the priority it deserves.

"I think every day things happen and that is why we have amendment in everything that we do as it regards the constitution (of the Players' Union). Security of active and those outside the game is very key and that is where the Players' Union comes in. Legends like Tijani Babangida and ex internationals need to be catered for. Not just by life insurance but the country has to have a policy in place for those that have actually given all to the service of the country. 

"And if there's anything that unites Nigeria, during war and even during economic crisis, it's sports. So, we must give premium to sports, and we must give premium to those that are actively involved in sports because that is a unifying factor for us whether during war or economic challenges. Sports is the only thing that unites us. You can see the formation of the National Sports Festival is as a result of bringing all people together after the war. 

"Sports is key and players should be given priority and given first line. Just as I always advocate that military should be given first line, players also should be given first line because of their role in the unity of our country.

"I got the information on what happened to one of us, Tijani Babangida. It was quite disheartening and sad. I tried to reach him, but I couldn't reach him on phone. I had to call people around and they told me that he is alive, but he lost his younger brother (Ibrahim) who is always around him, and they are fond of each other, and his son (Tijani's). 

"I had to make one or two calls to be sure that he's fine. Today, I'm happy that he is looking fine and responding well. He is able to talk, and the wife is also recuperating as I was told. But for the son and the younger brother, I wish them eternal rest and pray that God fills the gap that they have left. I know that of the son is very difficult because it is always our prayer not to bury our children. 

"All of us in the Players' Union are with him in the moment of his life. These are the people that have used their skills to project the image of this country and so in their trying period like this, I want to urge all Nigerians to pray for Tijani Babangida and also pray for the repose of the soul of his brother and son and pray for quick recovery of his wife also," the former deputy governor stated. 

Babangida, while thanking Shaibu for the visit, said he cannot question for the fate that has befallen him, but pray for strength and courage to deal with the loss of his son and brother.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. You are a man who has the love of people at heart despite your tight schedule. Like you said, a believer of God cannot question God. We only have to thank Him. 

"I have lost my brother and son, and no one can replace them. But that pain and trauma will be with me for the rest of my life, but I pray that God will intervene so that I can be strong again. I want to thank you, every well-meaning Nigerian all over the world for their prayers and support. 

"Even yesterday, my former club, Ajax Amsterdam commiserated with me. Once again, I want to thank you and everyone who has stood by me in this moment," Babangida said.

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