Eight hoodlums killed as operatives repel attack on Imo police station

Joint security operatives on Thursday night killed no fewer than eight hoodlums after they resisted an attack on Orlu Divisional Police Headquarters in Imo state from unknown gunmen.

The operatives also recovered seven vehicles the attackers came in for the operation.

Timeline gathered that the gun battle between the gunmen and the security operatives lasted several hours.

The gun duel created panic as people scampered for safety making the roads in Orlu town and its environs completely deserted.

When contacted, a police source disclosed that the police Divisional headquarters was not razed neither was any security personnel killed in the attack.

The source said: “We successfully repelled an attempt to raze Orlu Divisional Police Headquarters, last night. The hoodlums came in multiple vehicles and sophisticated weapons and assault riffles. They were repelled and eight of them were gunned down and with seven vehicles belonging to them recovered.

“Their corpses and seven vehicles belonging to them had been conveyed to Imo state police command headquarters in Owerri. As I speak to you now, they are with us. You need to see their charms and other things hanging on their necks.

“It was a big war. The gun battle lasted for hours but our men made up of the police, military and air Force over powered them. They were denied access into the police station premises. Successfully, eight were killed and seven vehicles recovered. Others fled.”


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