President Muhammadu Buhari has returned to Nigeria after a 3-day trip to South Korea where in participated in the first World Bio Summit.

The president spent about three days in Seoul where the summit themed ‘The Future of Vaccine and Bio-Health’, held.


Jointly organized by the Government of the Republic of Korea and the World Health Organization, WHO, the conference brought together leaders of nations, and CEOs of global vaccine and Biologics companies who shared and shaped ideas on the given theme.


Nigeria was invited to the Summit based on her selection with five other African countries by WHO and the European Union, EU, during the last EU-African Summit in Brussels, Belgium in February this year for MRNA technology transfer and Global Training Hub for Bio-manufacturing of vaccines on the African continent.


There in Seoul, President Buhari delivered a statement and met separately with President Yoon Suk-Yeol of the Republic of Korea and Ban Ki-Moon, Chair of Ban Ki-Moon Foundation for Better Future.


While seeking ways to foster more effective partnerships that impact positively on the lives and safety of Nigerians, the president said Nigeria is ready to become the global hub for vaccine production and distribution.


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