Unknown gunmen release attendant after hijacking school bus

The staff of Chimola School in Akure, the Ondo state capital, who was in the school bus hijacked today by gunmen has been released.

This was confirmed by the school's proprietress, Mrs Bolatito Akindemowo. 

Timeline.ng gathered that the bus was hijacked on Thursday morning by some gunmen numbering about eight at a housing estate in Oba-Ile, Akure North Local Government Area of Ondo State.

Fortunately, the school bus with registration number Lagos LSD 853 FJ was yet to pick any pupil when it was accosted by the armed men.

The suspects, riding on motorcycles and armed with guns, matchetes, and other dangerous weapons forced the vehicle to stop and dragged the driver out.

One of the armed men seized the vehicle and drove off with the attendant inside while the remaining members of the group fled the scene with the motorcycles.

The female attendant, identified as Peace, was released by the gunmen at lkota but the gunmen went away with the school bus.

Reports of the school bus hijack caused panic in the Metropolis as it comes at a time that there is widespread insecurity across the country and efforts to stem the tide have not yielded the desired result.

The hijack also comes days after over 100 pupils were kidnapped from an Islamic school in Niger State by suspected bandits.

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