Edo Guber: LP State Exco Sacked, Caretaker Committee Set Up

The national leadership of the Labour Party headed by Barrister Julius Abure has constituted a caretaker committee to oversee the affairs of the Edo State chapter of the party.

The 17-man caretaker committee is headed by Hon. Mrs. Elizabeth Ativie, a former speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly.

The new state executive committee of the Labour Party was inaugurated on Monday 27th May 2024 in Benin city by the Deputy National Chairman, Dr. Ayo Olorunfemi.

While administering the oath of office, Dr. Olorunfemi said the new leadership of the party in Edo state came on board due to the expiration of the tenure of the Ogbaloi-led executive council which ended in April, 2024.

He said the new leadership of the party in the state is expected to take charge of the affairs of the party pending when a fresh congress will be held to elect a new executive in the state.

He said the party decided to appoint Ativie to head the committee due to her positive and result-oriented track record in all her political positions so far.

He called for unity in the party and assured that the party will be more united in Edo state with Hon Ativie.

Responding, Ativie promised to move the party to a higher level in the state.

She vowed to reconcile all aggrieved members of the party, adding that a reconciliation team to resolve all pending issues in the party will be put up.

The secretary of the party, Oses Emmanuel Eromwonsele lauded members of the party for their turn out during the inauguration.

In line with the letter signed by the National Chairman of the party, Abure, the new executive of the party in Edo state are expected to work in conjunction with the party ‘s governorship candidate, Barrister Olumide Akapata towards ensuring victory in the governorship election coming up on 21 September 2024.

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